Received 23 December 2020
Accepted 12 March 2021 spiritual intelligence: a challenge for the
Revista investigación docente
Vol – 4 No. 2, julio diciembre 2021
Universidad Nacional San Agustín
Facultad de Educación
e-ISSN: 2710-1231
The process of knowledge management in the
achievement of university student competences
Rubby Cecilia Samaniego Alvarado
Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Orcid 0000-0003-4507-002,,
Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente
Escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Lima Perú. Orcid 0000-0003-0302-
Néstor Cuba Carbajal
Universidad Nacional de Cañete, Cañete, Perù. Orcid 0000-0002-7767-3751,,
Jose Luis Rodríguez López
Centro de Formación e Investigación para la Calidad Institucional CEFICI. Lima, Perú. 0000-0002-
Knowledge management proved new improvements
and follow-up, acquired an expressive importance
as an alteration factor, stimulated innovation and
above all provoked improvements in decision
making by creating new knowledge. The objective
was to determine the influence of the knowledge
management process and the achievement of
didactic competencies in students of the National
University of Cañete-2021, the study was of
quantitative approach, non-experimental design
and descriptive-correlational level, the sample was
of 90 students of the School of Tourism and Hotel
Management where the questionnaire instrument
was applied. It was obtained as a result that there is
an influence on the knowledge management process
Key words:
Knowledge management, didactic
competencies, orientation,
capacity, educational practices.
The process of knowledge management in achievement of university student competences
and the achievement of didactic competences of
university students, with a statistically significant
correlation of 0.920. It is concluded that the
knowledge management process is determined in
84.6 % with the achievement of didactic
competences in the students of the tourism and
hotel management career of the National University
of Cañete.
El proceso de gestión del conocimiento en logro de
competencias estudiantes universitarios
La gestión del conocimiento probó nuevas
mejoras y seguimiento, adquirió una
importancia expresiva como factor de
alteración, estimulo la innovación y sobre todo
provoco mejoras en la toma de decisiones
creando nuevos conocimientos, tuvo como
objetivo, determinar la influencia del proceso de
la gestión del conocimiento y logro de las
competencias didácticas en estudiantes de la
Universidad Nacional de Cañete-2021, el
estudio fue de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no
experimental y nivel descriptivo- correlacional,
la muestra fue de 90 estudiantes de la escuela
de administración Turismo y Hotelería en
donde se aplicó el instrumento del cuestionario.
Se obtuvo como resultado que existe influencia
en el proceso de gestión del conocimiento y el
logro de las competencias didácticas de los
estudiantes universitarios, con una correlación
estadísticamente significativa de 0.920. Se
concluye que el proceso de gestión de
conocimiento está determinado en un 84,6 %
con el logro de las competencias didácticas en
los estudiantes de la carrera turismo y hotelería
de la Universidad Nacional de Cañete.
Palabras clave
Knowledge management, didactic
competencies, orientation,
capacity, educational practices.
Rubby Cecilia Samaniego Alvarado, Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente, Néstor Cuba Carbajal , Jose Luis
Rodríguez López
1. Introduction
Knowledge management is established as the progress through which
a planned institution with skills-skills is allocated with efficiency
information, it is one of the substantial functions of higher education
institutions, it is the reason, mission, that different institutions have,
through which they end up transcending their knowledge and
contributing to the socio-productive and cultural development of
society ( Montoya and Arenas, 2016 ; Botero, Arias and Lorenzo,
In their criteria García and Cárcamo (2017) as Oliva (2016) also
refers that the model of curricular designs focused on knowledge
management and competencies, has been fundamental allusive of the
Ministry of Education, learning by competencies is established in the
current agenda of the debate with the Chilean education, as it is
becoming generalized in trends in educational matters, with a
support of type or curricular model demonstrated in competencies.
The purpose is to distribute norms that ensure that the profound
expansion of the Universities is carried out within some quality and
importance frameworks required by the contemporary world. Thus, it
is sought that young people have security and guarantees that the
studies they have carried out comply with aptitude requirements and
that they have the means to obtain, in the medium term, double
degrees and coupling techniques with countries of the European
Union and the United States.
On the one hand, according to Pérez and García (2018) determine
that knowledge management has achieved an important interest as a
component of progress and variability in all the work of society, in
that context, it is key to make a culture where understanding and
inquiry are valued, managed, distributed, and used efficiently, it is
manifested that knowledge management influences the didactic
competencies of an Educational Network in Lima.
For educational institutions the obligation is greater in this sense,
they are provisions dedicated to knowledge, so they must indeed be
transformed into effective knowledge management entities,
The process of knowledge management in achievement of university student competences
otherwise they would not be fulfilling the role that society has
indicated to them. In this process, for Pérez and Coutin (2016) and
Sierra (2016) educational institutions must employ all feasible
resources, thus inquiry and communication technologies that have
been transformed into necessary tools for learning. Likewise,
knowledge management will serve as a support in higher education
practices in the organization where they perform, estimating that
knowledge management can be composed with the ability to change
the school into a knowledge institution.
In this context Gómez (2018) points out that Peruvian Universities
with difficulty have managed to apply knowledge management, this is
a foundation of concern in society, consequently, it is there where
further increase in knowledge is required so that they can thus
graduate qualified professionals who contribute to the development
of the country.
Likewise , Farfán and Garzón (2016) presented in their research that
knowledge management is exposed to provide and favor a structure,
efficient and innovative, even that the information and skills needed to
create new who are properly who over time thrive in research with the
contribution of ideas and who contribute to society, being a key tool to
meet the challenges of the future.
For Camacho (2019) knowledge management from the institution is
an obligation and planning as a need for attention, in that sense not
having been instituted by itself as a fraction of education. In this
same context, our reality is manifested with an educational system in
different reforms, which drives teachers to defend themselves with
affliction, indifference and indecision, but which at the same time
accommodates to time, and adjusts to changes with determination.
In agreement, with Saenz (2018) mentions that knowledge
management is an elevated space that has varied in the center of
controversies in the business part. It takes efficiency coupled with
knowledge, the same with its planning, creation, planning,
communication and practice, with the purpose of motivating the
value of institutions. It is undoubtedly guaranteed to the concept that
leads to an outstanding advantage that will allow companies to
preserve an increasingly competent market as a result of the
phenomenon of globalization of economies. In short, it is a
Rubby Cecilia Samaniego Alvarado, Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente, Néstor Cuba Carbajal , Jose Luis
Rodríguez López
convenient management of knowledge that will help organizations to
successfully face the exposed challenge.
It is important to know the connected effectiveness of knowledge
management, as well as the transmission, creation, planning and use
in order to create value for organizations. Likewise, the link between
knowledge management and university higher education is specified,
it is necessary to emphasize that knowledge management is an
integral function of any organization, and higher education
institutions are no exception for training processes and research
processes. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a strategic
program where knowledge management has become the main
character in the curricular designs.
Knowledge management has achieved significant importance as a
divider of variation, change and development in a society or
institution. Consequently, its mission is to determine an environment
in which cognition, analysis and studies suitable in an organization
are viable and can be used to encourage a finding, stimulate progress
in decision making and realize new knowledge.
In synthesis, that a culture is established where study and knowledge
are valued, distributed, managed and have become competent.
Likewise, information and communication technologies have
provided tools of obvious acceptance or importance for the
generation of knowledge principles making them incorporate a new
framework for research and progress (Rodriguez et al., 2019).
Models of knowledge management in education
Giraldo (2018) explains the models of knowledge management
explained below:
Cognitive Model of Knowledge Management: It refers to the
processes of sharing, creating, capturing, locating knowledge and
experiences that will be used in problem solving. And the outstanding
model mentioned is the Knowledge Creation Model, proposed by
Nonaka and Takeuchi, which highlights two types of knowledge,
explicit and tacit, where the processes of: combination,
The process of knowledge management in achievement of university student competences
externalization, combination, internalization and socialization are
Network Model of Knowledge Management: it arises in comparison
with the theories of the network organization and focuses on the
acquisition, exchange and transfer of knowledge. From this
perspective, the networks in which people are immersed are
important, since this broadens the possibility of acquiring knowledge,
which can later be shared within the organization.
Community of Practice Approach Model of Knowledge Management:
based on the interaction that exists between the different levels of the
organization, where the members of the community share resources,
values and mutually seek to solve problems, a good management
practice can offer great rewards, such as increasing the efficiency of
the processes in education.
Dimensions of knowledge management in education
Creation of knowledge: Human knowledge is a subject that can be
approached from many possible angles and whose nature is difficult
to grasp, although much easier to classify. Thus, the study of
knowledge, on the one hand, reflects on its characteristics and its
conditions of appearance. On the other hand, this discipline orders
knowledge on the basis of its limitations, formal requirements or
mechanisms that we use to validate them and differentiate
knowledge from faith, fantasy or error (Raffino, 2020).
Knowledge transfer and storage: they identify three major models of
knowledge transfer from universities: the linear model, the dynamic
model, and the triple helix model. In the linear model, knowledge
transfer is preceded by scientific discoveries; the dynamic model
constitutes an improvement of the linear one and has as its purpose
the transfer of knowledge through commercialization or diffusion,
formal and informal, and the triple helix models that have evolved,
from a conception in which the State plays the most preponderant
role in directing the relationships between companies and
universities, actors with delimited fields of action that interact with
each other; until reaching the current notion (Marullanda, 2018).
Application and use of knowledge: knowledge management involves
people working for the comfort of an institution or entity; through it,
Rubby Cecilia Samaniego Alvarado, Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente, Néstor Cuba Carbajal , Jose Luis
Rodríguez López
companies can extend and create important information in an
efficient and organized way in order to achieve better compliance in
areas of planning or organization, especially to improve their
competitive capabilities. When you want to determine the wealth of
an organization, it is no longer enough to go to the financial
information, because it is also important to observe its intellectual
capital, as this makes it stand out above its competitors (Cusiquisque
and Pultay, 2019).
Didactic Competence Models
Planning: It is the teacher's ability to plan, organize and project the
content of a program, as well as assessments, teaching, learning and
evaluation. In this development, it is considered that the didactic
novelties that teachers have, the knowledge related to their
experience and discipline. Therefore, it is likely to determine the
values, vision, objectives, mission and action plans that will be used
to achieve them.
Didactic treatment of contents: The following is mentioned: the
selection, sequencing and organization of contents in a didactic way.
At present, it must be shown that they must be in accordance with
the advances and current approaches of the discipline, in such a way
that they cover all the presence according to the professional
experience and importance that is linked to the contents.
Communicative: Corresponds to the ability to inform students.
Undoubtedly, in this competence the teacher must have knowledge of
ICT, which requires the design of didactic learning guides and
maintain stable contact with students through different electronic
media in order to focus on informing the student for the organization
of tasks and the growth of skills.
Methodological: Addresses all the facts that direct the teacher's
tasks, where they have to do with the scope of learning spaces in
which students have real scenarios to work, guiding a selection of
techniques or procedures about the realization of tasks linked to
research, projects or work.
Communicative and relational: It is transversal since
communications are developed in all disciplines. For this reason, the
relationship between the teacher and the student plays an important
The process of knowledge management in achievement of university student competences
role here, since it depends on them that the student achieves the
competencies that are sought to be elicited.
Tutorial: It is understood as a form of performance in education,
where the teacher systematically guides the student through the
establishment of projects, techniques and teaching objectives. In
synthesis, here a pedagogical relationship is determined in which the
teacher has the role of a guide with the purpose of detecting learning
Dimensions of Didactic Competencies
Educational guidance: It is dedicated to renew the quality of an
educational institution. This quality is determined by the different
competencies of the institution for the progress of new educational
responses to all students, ensuring that each person can obtain their
maximum potential for optimal learning, without their social,
personal or other preconditions that prevent them from this progress
of equality. The people who work are offered to the guidance
working to obtain that purpose accompanying the students, teachers,
families and manage numerous resources in this task of facilitation
Classroom practices: Classroom practices are framed within
several nexuses that coincide in the learning scenarios have been
reflected from what is expected to result from an educational
development, hence reference is made to effective classes, good
classroom practices, or inspiring classes; in all cases highlighting the
work of teachers in classroom dynamics (Rodriguez, 2017).
Educational capability: Educational capabilities are the means to
act competently. These means are the skills, abilities, knowledge and
attitudes that students use to cope with a defined position. These
sufficiencies consider minor operations involved in competencies,
which are more complex operations (Sanz, 2017).
The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of the
knowledge management process and the achievement of didactic
competences in students of the Tourism and Hotel Management
career of the National University of Cañete-2021. It is based on the
need to contribute with new methodologies applying didactic
competences, during the development, the active participation of the
Rubby Cecilia Samaniego Alvarado, Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente, Néstor Cuba Carbajal , Jose Luis
Rodríguez López
student will be promoted so that he/she plays a decisive role in the
teaching-learning processes. Knowledge management will have a
direct function in contributing and solving learning problems in the
educational system institutions; consequently, the study will allow
evaluating the influence of the knowledge management process and
the achievement of didactic competences.
2. Methodology
The research responds to the hypothetical deductive method, in this
procedure the hypotheses are fundamental ideas for new results.
With a quantitative approach; its research process employs the
observation of development in the form of data collection and
examines them in order to answer its research questions. The study
responds to Applied type research. The research design is non-
experimental, the survey technique was used where the information
was collected using the questionnaire as an instrument.
4. Results and discussion
The study deals with the influence of knowledge management
processes and the achievement of didactic competencies of the
students of the National University of Cañete-2021. In the descriptive
analysis of the perception of the knowledge management process
shown in Table 1.
Table 1.
Perception of knowledge management processes.
Very bad
10 %
10 %
10 %
17,7 %
18 %
28 %
28.8 %
29 %
57 %
22,2 %
22 %
76 %
21,1 %
21 %
100 %
100 %
The process of knowledge management in achievement of university student competences
The descriptive analysis showed, according to the data obtained, that
11% opted for the category very bad with didactic competencies. On
the other hand, a group of 33% of the respondents were poor, while
20% were good with the didactic competencies. Finally, 19% were
excellent in terms of didactic competencies, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2.
Perception about didactic competencies.
11,1 %
11 %
11 %
16,6 %
17 %
28 %
33,3 %
33 %
61 %
20 %
20 %
81 %
18,8 %
19 %
100 %
100 %
Source: Didactic competences" sheet
When testing the hypotheses it was found that the significance level
is equal to 0.00 and therefore less than 0.05; the null hypothesis is
rejected. Therefore, from the result obtained it can be deduced that
there is a statistically significant correlation of 0.920. This value
determines the existence of a positive correlation between the
influence of the knowledge management process that is significantly
related to the achievement of didactic competencies, with a
confidence level of 95% and 5% probability of error.
Rubby Cecilia Samaniego Alvarado, Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente, Néstor Cuba Carbajal , Jose Luis
Rodríguez López
Table 3
Correlation between knowledge management processes and the
achievement of didactic competencies.
Influence of the
process of
management of
the achievement
of didactic
Influence of the
process of
management of
920 (**)
Sig. (bilateral)
achievement of
0, 920 (**)
Sig. (bilateral)
5. The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (bilateral).
From the results it can be determined that the influence of the
processes of knowledge management and the achievement of the
didactic competences of the students of the national university of
cañete-2021. The achievement of didactic competencies in students is
determined in 84.6% by the knowledge management processes of the
tourism and hotel management career of the national university of
Cañete. These results are similar to those of Escorcia and Barros
(2020) in which they conclude that knowledge management is a
pending task, but the model presented may be the beginning to
achieve significant results. The results of Huertas (2018) indicate that
there was a relationship between the knowledge management model
and competency-based training in educational institutions.
From the result obtained, it can be deduced that there is a statistically
significant correlation of 0.852. This value determines that there is a
positive correlation between the processes of knowledge
management and classroom practice in the students of the
Universidad Nacional de Cañete-2021. That is, the knowledge
The process of knowledge management in achievement of university student competences
management process is determined in 72.5 % by classroom practice
in university students. Ordoñez (2018) indicates that if there are
good results of teachers' commitment, obtaining a Spearman's rho
correlation of 0.552, noting that the commitment of the staff working
within the educational institution.
From the result obtained, it can be deduced that there is a statistically
significant correlation of 0.895. This value determines that there is a
positive correlation between knowledge management processes and
classroom practices in the students of the National University of
Cañete-2021. It is understood that didactic competences are
determined in 80.1 % by knowledge management processes and
classroom practices in university students. The results obtained agree
with the findings that can be observed in the research of Ríos (2016)
is based on the relationship between knowledge management and
university higher education in the development of a society with an
empirical research, because it is a fact that occurs in our society, and
applied, because it will face the problem by proposing research
solution alternatives and is justified in its practical aspect, since in
the current environment of high competitiveness, globalization,
technological development, reduction of product life and global
crisis, knowledge management is key to achieve the sustainable
success of the company.
6. Conclusion
The study showed that there is an influence of the knowledge
management process and the achievement of didactic competencies
in the students of the tourism and hotel management career of the
National University of , being identified with a statistically significant
correlation of 0.920. Assuming that it is assumed that the
achievement of didactic competencies is determined in 84.6 % by the
knowledge management processes, being a method that involves all
the students and in their respective dimensions.
Likewise, it was concluded that if there is an influence of the
knowledge management process and the educational orientation in
the students of the tourism and hotel management career of the
Rubby Cecilia Samaniego Alvarado, Judith Soledad Yangali Vicente, Néstor Cuba Carbajal , Jose Luis
Rodríguez López
National University of Cañete-2021, being an aid for the continuous
improvement in their academic performance with the purpose of
overcoming the requirements for obtaining the professional degree, it
is assumed that the knowledge management processes are
determined in 72.5 % by the educational orientation, a statistically
significant correlation of 0.852.
It can be indicated that there is an influence of the knowledge
management process and the classroom practice in the students of
the tourism and hotel management career of the National University
of Cañete, demonstrating the good practices and professional
competencies of teachers based on the students' learning needs.
Therefore, indicating that there is a statistically significant
correlation of 0.895, and it is assumed that knowledge management
processes are determined in 80.1 % by classroom practice in the
students of the tourism and hotel management career.
There is an influence of the knowledge management process and the
educational capacity in the students of the tourism and hotel
management career of the National University of Cañete -2021, being
if necessary to adequately perform a task or intellectual process
proper to the professional performance. That is to say, the
statistically significant correlation of 0.895, it is assumed that the
knowledge management processes are determined in 78.5 % by the
educational capacity in the students of the administration career
Tourism and Hotel Management of the National University of
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